• Lagerstr. 51 / Puchheim
  • 089 30701080
  • Lagerstr. 51 / Puchheim
  • 089 30701080

Awesome South Africa - Hardcover

39,95 €
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Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Tag(e)


Awesome South Africa = beeindruckendes Südafrika!

Lustige, spannende und interessante Fakten und Anekdoten - zum Immer-Wieder Reinschauen!

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This book will intrigue you, make you laugh, astonish and astound you.

It is packed full of humour, history, interesting facts and trivia about South Africa and its people.

If you are a South African, this book is guaranteed to stir feelings of pride, patriotism and belonging.

If you are not South African, then it will leave you in awe and provide you with a comprehensive overview of this unique and crazy country.